Saturday 19 August 2017

Industries Where Red Lead Oxide Can Be Used

Red lead oxide- chemically known as Pb3O4 or PbO2 is a soft red and orange colored powder. It is used in a wide range of applications, especially for lead oxide feed materials. It is a useful ingredient for the manufacturing of batteries, glasses, in boilers and water pipeline etc. It is also used in ceramic and paint industry.

The red lead oxide is insoluble in water and alcohol. It is formed by the oxidation of litharge or metallic lead. The article will explain in detail what are the industries where the red lead oxide is used.

Battery Industries

Perhaps this is the largest section of industry where the red lead oxide is used. It is the main raw materials and the most required chemical for the manufacturing of tubular batteries. Due to the ability of plate formation and great cycle performance it draws the special attention of the battery manufacturers. Also the batteries made by using red lead oxide is in huge demand.

Plumbing Industry

It is believed that Lead is used in a plumbing industry from over thousands of year. The word lead is a latin word which means plumbum which shows the presence of lead in plumbing industry in the early civilization. The presence of red oxide prevents rusting of plumbing materials and keep them safe.

Paint Industry

The red lead oxide is widely used in paint and primer industries. Red oxide primers are specially formulated to provide a coating and used as a base coat for ferric substances c (substances which contain iron). The paste of red oxide can be applied directly over the rusty external surfaces of the ferric metals.
The lead helps in fast drying of the paint, increase durability, and provide the shining appearance to the substances.

Ceramic and Glass Industry

When the lead oxide is added to glass material it raises the refractive index of the glass and also lowers the working temperature. It also lowers the viscosity of the glass which is an important factor in manufacturing glass.

Explosives Industry

The Red lead oxide is used several explosive industries based on certain usage rules and regulations.

These are the industries where the red lead oxide is widely used. If you want to add more, let me know in the comment section below.

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