Wednesday 11 February 2015

Importance of site validation on W3C

Importance of site validation on W3C

What is W3C validation?

W3C is a set of rules one needs to follow in order to create a well formatted website. This Markup validation is very important to improve the quality of the web pages.

Why Validate?

There are many benefits of having a W3C validated website. Some of them are below

  1. Good for SEO :

    Technical errors on the site affects its search visibility too. After the recent algorithmic updates by search engines, having an error free website has become an important ranking factor.

  2. Better user experience :

    If a site is validated at W3C, it will be easily accessed by the most modern browsers. It also improves the surfing experience and technical issues on the site. It helps designers to find and correct errors on the site. Reducing such errors not only results in better user experience, it also helps in improving conversions which is very good for any business.
  3. Multiple device browsing :

    After the recent mobile phone revolution, more and more people are accessing websites using tablets and smart phones. Thus, a website must be compatible with these devices as well.
To validate the code there are a couple of website which you can use

The article is originally published here.

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